When a client has a unique problem that no "one-size-fits-all" software package can solve, that's where we step in. Check out the unique solutions we have created to help our clients reach their business goals.

  • Conversion to DoveTrack® WMS software gains carousel efficiencies for Client

    Client installed vertical and horizontal carousels to handle its large inventory of parts and finished goods. However, the original control software provided by the equipment vendor did not support the unique processes used at the facility. Although efficiencies did not meet the original expectation, the Client lived with the situation for several years until justifying a change.


    Dove Tree’s DoveTrack WMS software was selected to replace the original machine control software. Based on Windows OS, DoveTrack WMS provided a familiar user interface. To help the Client minimize changes to existing business processes, Dove Tree tailored the software to meet the Client’s unique requirements. The software was ready for installation in just six weeks. Dove Tree personnel managed a smooth conversion over a single weekend, easily integrating Dove Track WMS with the Client’s operations.


    • All zones consolidated into a single database
    • Personnel able to monitor “real time” inventory levels
    • Substantially reduced labor costs

    About the Project

    Client sought Dove Tree’s help after another division reported positive experience with Dove Tree on a previous project. Dove Tree’s many years of experience with manufacturing stockrooms and finished goods enabled it to quickly understand and respond to the Client’s needs.


    “… We have also had other time savings due to the fact that there are not as many problems with the Dove Tree system, but these savings are just based on the better processes of the Dove Tree system.” – Senior Management Engineer

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  • Dove Tree adapts its software to changing requirements as Client expands and upgrades

    Over a ten year period of running DoveTrack® WMS software, the Client made several significant changes to its systems and operations. The changes included (1) moving from an IBM mainframe to Oracle, (2) expanding warehouse operations to include another business division, and (3) upgrading its Oracle Financials software. In each instance, the Client needed to adapt the existing WMS software without changing the user interfaces and procedures to which warehouse personnel were accustomed.


    Based on the unique requirements of each situation, and a long term familiarity with the Client’s operations, Dove Tree developed modifications that enabled the existing WMS software to support the new systems and operations, while maintaining a consistent user interface.


    • Personnel did not have to learn a new WMS system
    • No loss of efficiency due to unfamiliar user interfaces

    About the Project

    Dove Tree is experienced at providing WMS systems that are always integrated with the Client’s enterprise systems. Therefore, Dove Tree develops and provides software that can be retailored (modified) as necessary to meet the Client’s evolving needs.

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  • Software supports automated storage and retrieval system for medical test lab

    Client’s cytology laboratory received, tested, and stored thousands of pap smear (test tube) samples every day. Following a review of test results, it was normal for some samples to require follow up testing. For this reason, the lab retained all samples in minus 30F storage for a period of time before disposing of them. As volumes grew, so did the Client’s concern about the labor costs and lead times associated with locating and retrieving specific samples from an inventory that numbered in the tens of thousands.


    Dove Tree developed and provided software to support the Client’s automated test tube storage and retrieval system. Dove Tree subsequently developed additional software to enable a robot to replace the manual handling by lab technicians when large numbers of test samples are retrieved for medical research purposes.


    • Substantially reduced labor costs
    • Improved storage capacities
    • Faster retrieval of stored individual test samples
    • More timely and efficient mass-retrievals for broad medical research

    About the Project

    Dove Tree’s flexibility and extensive knowledge of machine controls and system/human interfaces enabled it to develop effective software for this medical lab application, despite the project being outside of Dove Tree’s normal scope. The initial deliverable earned the Client’s trust and lead to the follow up request.

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  • Software modification eliminates delays in weight-based order fulfillment

    Customer order fulfillment was frequently slowed by unexpected inventory shortages at pick locations. Interruptions occurred when personnel found actual remaining inventory to be less than reported by the system.


    Dove Tree visited the Client’s facility to observe the operation. It was noted that fulfillment personnel used weight to count items when packing small parts and accessories. To ensure quantities shipped either matched or exceeded the quantities ordered, personnel were given latitude to add extra pieces after each order met its target weight. The inclusion of extra pieces was not counted by the system, allowing inventory levels to deplete faster than reported.


    Dove Tree modified the WCS software to (a) calculate the quantities packed and shipped based on package weight, and (b) use the information to adjust the system estimated of inventory remaining at the pick location.


    • Client personnel able to continue using traditional fulfillment procedures, i.e., no procedural changes or re-training needed
    • WCS system reliably tracks remaining inventory at pick locations

    About the Project

    Assessing the problem as software related, the Client requested Dove Tree’s urgent assistance. Further investigation found the problem to be a longstanding fulfillment procedure rather than system error. Dedicated to helping the Client, Dove Tree developed a software solution that made the system compatible with the Client’s traditional procedure.

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  • Responsive software modifications fine-tune carousel replenishment

    Although it worked on paper and had the support of all parties, the Client’s newly installed RF-based procedure for replenishing carousels proved to be problematic after it was installed and used in the workplace. The system produced frequent mis-slotting of SKU’s and other errors that required personnel time to correct. Finding the system less than optimal, the Client wanted an alternative solution.


    Working together, Dove Tree and the Systems Integrator (project contractor) visited the Client’s facility to collaborate with end-user personnel and help define problems and underlying causes. The review was not limited to software. All aspects of the operation were reviewed, including electronic systems, manual procedures, and physical work space requirements. Alternatives were identified and evaluated.


    The Client ultimately approved a combination of changes to procedures, work space, and electronic systems. Part of the solution required replacing handheld RF terminals with workstation PC’s. To integrate and support all of the desired changes, Dove Tree quickly developed and deployed a new and more flexible WMS software program. As changes were implemented, the Client monitored and evaluated both personnel and operations. A close feedback loop with the Client allowed Dove Tree to rapidly make and install software modifications that fine tuned the new system.


    • Fewer slotting errors
    • Substantially reduced labor costs
    • More flexibility in dealing with slotting criteria and maximum cell quantities

    About the Project

    Dove Tree’s productive relationship with the Systems Integrator, its commitment to achieving a successful project, and its ability to respond with speed and creativity under demanding circumstances, allowed the Client to address concerns and dramatically improve its carousel-related operations

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With over 30 years of experience, we provide the solutions to make your warehouse, distribution center or facility more efficient.
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